This task was introduced by a presentation about Information Architecture by Are Halland. He showed us different examples of how the information is organized into websites; what are the processes to organize the information etc
Step 1. Analyse:
To start this task, with Natasha, we decided to browse into existing online TV guides from
different countries to see what was relevant to do and what wasn't but also other websites that could give us examples of features that could be interesting to put into our TV guide.

Good Points:
- you can see the number and the name of the channel and not just the logo so you can go to it more easily.
- presence of a description box on the right side that gives you information about the programs.
Bad Points:
- some of the time buttons are not so easy to see and can be confusing.

- the way they put in relief the main program of the day; the highlight.
- the high of the columns are not set by time, the fact that they aren't lined up is just for an "artistic" purpose.

- you can search for a type of program easily by choosing between: the categories, the time and the date.
- if the user is just on the site for a quick view, he doesn't want all that set up before browsing.

- the user can see very quickly thanks to the use of the black color in the boxes, what bunch of channels, what day and what hour he is looking in.
- on the left side, the user can select and deselect channels, which is a good thing but it takes 1/3 of the space and that is too much.
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